Ansley has mastered rolling from her back to her tummy, sometimes she'll attempt rolling back to her back, otherwise she just gets frustrated and grunts as she scoots herself around! Yup that's right she's already scooting:) Today she was so far off her playmat she almost ran into the coffee table. I'm kind of sad though at the same time cuz she seems to be growing up so fast. Brady was even making fun of me for snuggling with one of her stuffed animals one night. But that's other news... she has started sleeping 6-7 hours at night. Oh what are we going to do? I miss sleeping with her, but we both are getting much better sleep. She's so good that most nights she doesn't even cry herself to sleep, she just kind of cuddles into her crib and goes down for the night. When she wakes up to eat she goes right back to sleep. We don't want to get our hopes up since it was only 2 weeks ago that she started having fits at night again and I thought a trip to California was going to be miserable for everyone involved. But the fussing didn't last long, I think it's because I've kind of figured what works for her with a bedtime routine, and now we are getting used to the hours of sleep to the point that we are sleeping not wondering if something is wrong.
2 Weekends ago Ansley & I took a trip down to California for a family funeral. It was her first flight and she did awesome, never fussed on the plane both ways, and she received numerous comment from fellow travelers about how good a baby she is:) I was also worried about her sleeping in a hotel room with me since she'd just started getting used to her crib. But that too went over smoothly, she slept well and came home happy and ready for her crib again. Actually since we came back she's been almost like a whole new baby, unbelievably happy, laughing all the time, and playing on her own for longer periods of time. Maybe it was the oxygen on the plane:)
So she's always had all these cute little sounds and things she does just like all babies, but she has recently taken up growling... Honestly at first I was scared that people would think my baby was possessed, but it was funny, and has gotten even funnier. Just tonight her and Brady were growling back and forth at each other.
About a month ago she took up sucking her thumb, which everyone thought was just so adorable, but now in the past two weeks she's already decided she doesn't need it. Go figure! It amazes me how she goes thru such quick fazes of little things. Growling, sucking her thumb, blowing bubbles, squealing, etc. I must say though that she is such a little girl... her little squeals melt my heart:) She is growing up so fast. Almost sitting on her own, talking more and more, getting bigger every day (I can't believe she is bigger than her purple stuffed bear already!), and just this past Sunday she stood on her own holding onto the back of the bench and church!
We tried rice cereal again last week... she's not a big fan. Spits it up too! So I think we are going to wait another month and try solids again. Though she has grown a fascination for cups and water bottles. She actually drinks water pretty good out of a cup.
The key to Ansley's happiness is most definitely sleep. When she has her good nights, and good 2 hour naps she is the happiest baby in the world, unless of course she claims that she is starving! Last weekend proved this theory with a long holiday weekend and absolutely no sleep. I promise it is not our fault, if she wasn't so stubborn, and felt that it was ok to miss out on the world going around her for an hour or two to take in a few zzz's, she would be ok. Man she fights sleep like crazy. She just feels like she is going to miss out on something. Though I do have to give applause to my mom and sister Amanda, they actually got her to sleep in their arms. She used to only sleep in my arms, but now she refuses to sleep with me, just keeping her big baby blue eyes wide open to observe everything I'm doing. Here's a pic for proof that she slept with grandma:)
Man I love being a mom. It's the absolute greatest thing in the world:)
She is growing up so fast. Don't you wish we could slow down time sometimes! So cute!
I can't beleave how big Ansley is! Have I really been gone that long? Trust me when I say "It only gets better" I will show this to Grandma and Pa for ya. Tell everyone hi for me & tell Brady to get his clubs ready, see ya soon. Love Isaac........
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