I love being a mom. I know, I know, I say that everyday, but it couldn't be more true after a day like today. The beginning of this week I came up with the idea of taking Ansley to the movies. She has become such a couch
potato these past few weeks. I don't blame her either, being all couped up because of keeping Shirley healthy, and of course that gross icky inversion air! Then with me working, what else is she to do. So her current favorites are Hannah Montana, Beauty & the Beast, the Grinch,
Aladdin, Mary Poppins, Stick It, Tinker Bell, Tinker Bell & the Lost Treasure, Finding
Nemo, with the occasional
Mulan, Little Mermaid, & Lion King thrown in:) We've tried a couple of others so that we have variety, but those are the ones she seems to stick to. Anyways she does really good at sitting
thru movies, it's quite funny actually to see her playing, and then pause because one of her favorite parts is on. She'll sing and dance and talk back to the movies, I love it!
So today I had to go out for my follow up doctor appointment and thought it would be a good day to try Ansley's first time at the movie theatre. We woke up excited for our day. We went to the doctor's office and I could not believe how good both girls were. Shirley slept pleasantly and Ansley listened to everything I asked of her. She even took a minute to sit on the floor with one of the nurses outside of the office while I chatted with the doc. I couldn't believe she didn't scream for me when the door closed. We had quite a bit of time between the doctor and the movie, and we didn't have time for breakfast before we left, so I thought it would be fun to go to McDonald's. When she saw where we are going she got so excited and squealed that she got to play with the piano. How do little ones have such great memories? So we had breakfast and played for an hour. The movie was supposed to start at 11:50 so I allowed myself plenty of time to take care of both girls and get settled in. Ansley took her time walking to the movie theatre once we got out of the car... she was just happy to finally be outside after all this time, and since she'd never been, she didn't really know what I was saying when we were going to the movie theatre. When we got inside though she was mesmerized.
When was the last time you took in the whole movie theatre experience? I don't think you realize the tall ceilings, the flashing lights, the food stands, and the ticket counter, it's all just common place to us, but totally new to Ansley. Sadly though we realize we'd read the movie time wrong and so we would have to come back for the 1pm show. I was
devastated, how could my well planned day go so
awry! What was I going to do with an almost 2 year old and a 6 week old,
postpartum told me just to cry, but lucky enough I get more sleep with Shirley and was able to keep my emotions in check.
I decided to just do a little bit of grocery shopping to kill the time, and you would of thought Ansley had won the lottery when I mentioned the idea to her. She loves grocery shopping, and what a treat since she hadn't been in so long. She got to ride in the car cart, carry her own basket of groceries, and buy a package of Tic
Tacs. She was in heaven. Finally the hour was spent and we were back onto our movie adventure. She took even more time outside of the theatre this time as she found the water fountain and wanted to play. But I finally got her inside, and with the same in awe reaction we slowly made our way to the bathroom, the concession stand for popcorn and root beer, and eventually to our theatre.
As we made our way up the stairs to our seats she asked, "At the Jazz Game?" It made me realize that of course she should do good during the movie, she's been to a couple of Jazz Games and has been great! I got her the booster seat, handed her the popcorn and soda, and she was content. Of course this was just the beginning. She watched as all other movie goers arrived and found their seats. Didn't pay too much attention to the advertisements on the big screen. And just chatted away till all of a sudden the lights dim, and the screen turns bright, and a huge boom sounds out in the theatre. Ansley doesn't scare easily, but she certainly was scared, she had no idea what was going on, so she grabbed my hand and looked at me for reassurance. Once she realized everything was OK she was amazed. I cannot count the number of times I looked over and saw her happy with her jaw dropped so far her chin touched her chest:) Needless to say she loved it. She participated just like she does at home, laughing, screaming, talking back, and staring. How did I luck out to have such a good little girl? What other girl that is a week and a half away from turning two would sit through a movie like she did?
Now for Shirley... I can't say that I was worried, or nervous,
cuz she is such a good baby, hardly ever crying, sleepy, and just content. But I didn't really know what to think because there was no way we would have ever attempted it with Ansley. We've had quite a few friends that said they had gone with their babies and it was a piece of cake. Sure enough with Shirley it was. I fed her, patted her, and held her, she was in heaven, mommy got to hold her the whole time:) What I loved though... since our movie time got changed it happened to be one of her awake times, and as I held her I could tell she was wondering what was going on. It was dark, but noisy, so I finally decided to turn her around so that she could see the movie, and she seemed to love it! Every time I looked down at her I could see her eyes moving around with the action on the screen.
As I said before, I LOVE BEING A MOM! I just hope that when we have more children that I take the time with them that I do my two girls, and relish in all of their firsts (and mine!)
BTW- we saw Disney's The Princess & The Frog.